Signed books are tricky business. I do not send mail from my personal address, and my local indie bookshop does not ship directly from the store. Besides accidentally wandering into a random bookstore where I've signed stock, the best ways to get signed copies are as follows:
If you are interested in a signed edition for purposes such as a fundraiser, please contact my publicist.
I'm very excited too! I also have no information about (or say in/control over/influence regarding) any of that. Believe me, I'm just as hyped as you are, but if you're trying to shoot your shot as an artist, take the time to work on building your portfolio until we have a casting director on board. As soon as I'm allowed to pass information on to y'all, it'll be on my website or on my social media.
First, my YA books are not a series. They can be read in any order, or you can read one and not the others. They have similar, beautiful covers, but they have nothing to do with each other and stand entirely alone.
Second, I'm flattered that so many people want a sequel. But unfortunately, I don't like writing sequels. I have too many ideas to stick with one for longer than 400 pages. If you're interested in what happens to my characters after the events of their book, I might have a video about it on TikTok if someone reminds me to make it.
We pay someone else good money to do my covers. For Hell Followed With Us, The Spirit Bares Its Teeth, and Compound Fracture, my cover artist is Evangeline Gallagher. Check them out! For You Weren't Meant to Be Human, Saga hired Drusilla Adeline. You can find her here!
I wish I could go everywhere, but I can only really make suggestions for book tour stops. Figuring out where to go is a complicated process. (Plus, I have a day job - can't take too many days off, unfortunately.) Keep an eye out for my virtual events, and hopefully I'll get to see you soon.
Authors have little to no control over whether our books get ARCs or who they go to. Boo. Digital review copies are often available on Edelweiss or Netgalley before the book releases. For physical copies, you'll have to contact my publicity team, which you can find on my Contact page.
Nope - my middle name is actually Marie, since I kept it when I transitioned. I have a southern double name, which means that my first name is "Andrew Joseph" with a space, not a hyphen. When referring to me, Andrew Joseph, Andrew, and AJ are all acceptable.
Oh my god PLEASE. I love fan content with all my heart. While it's advised that authors avoid reading fanfic of their stories for legal reasons, I will retweet or otherwise share fanart if you tag me in it, as long as you're also okay with it maybe ending up as my desktop background.
That depends. If you're an author looking for a blurb, you can get in contact with me through my agent. See my contact page for information on what books I prefer. However, I won't give feedback on unfinished manuscripts for folks I don't know personally - even if I had the time, it's another legal-slash-copyright thing. Sorry! I wish you all the best.
For my YA books: My publisher recommends these books for readers 14 to 18 years old. I trust my younger readers to know their limits, and I hesitate to let adults gatekeep queer books meant for children. Please heed any and all content warnings - they are not for decoration.
For my adult books: If you're a minor and you want to pick up my adult work, sure, but don't say I didn't warn you.
Who are you people and why are you in my house. No, I don't. I'm on a Spiritbox kick right now.
(But my wife puts a lot of Crane Wives on her D&D playlists if that means anything.)
I cannot express to you how little I care about this opinion.