YOU WEREN'T MEANT TO BE HUMAN is about reproductive abuse, pregnancy as violence, self-destruction, loss of agency, and every nasty feeling I as the author have ever carried with me as an autistic trans man, especially since the fall of Roe v. Wade in 2022. Content warnings include:
- Infanticide involving cannibalism
- Graphic depictions of pregnancy and childbirth as violence and body horror; on-page early stillbirth with subsequent desecration of corpse; on-page botched DIY abortion
- Narrative focus on suicidality and planning suicide, with no attempt made; similar focus on self-harm, shown on-page
- Consistently unclear sexual boundaries and consent, up to and including rape, often involving confusion on behalf of the survivor
- Sexual fantasies/intrusive thoughts involving abuse and bestiality
- Domestic abuse
- Graphic violence
- Weird parasitic bug shit, needles, general transphobia and ableism, etc.
A more general list also exists in the author’s note at the front of the book.